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NIN Things Falling Apart (2000)

A remixes album by NIN as usual.
When it comes to other metal genres the word "Remixes" scares to everyone, but talking about the Industrial, it shows new points of view, new atmospheres.
This is a solid album, kinda ambient, kinda electronix....it shows Trent´s ability to remix his own stuff.


Things Falling Apart (2000)


Diagnose Lebensgefahr: Transformalin (2006)

Straight from the asylum...this record is dark, dark, dark.
Highly atmospheric, wich leaves you with an feeling of loneliness and void...
Mostly ambient, with some brushes of industrial sounds.
A musical therapy for the insane...words can't describe the rest...so you better listen to it.


Transformalin (2006)


Kong What It Seems Is What You Get (2009)

This is their comeback release, with it´s known unique style, a mix between strong guitar riffs, solid drum beats and bass, wih a decent touch of electrix sound fx, very instrumental stuff, the industrial sound that reminds me a little to Godflesh.


What It Seems Is What you Get (2009)